Sunday, November 4, 2012

in my head

6:50 am- A grateful heart is a full heart; however, making your heart full is not something that comes natural. Well... Maybe it does, but you still must work at it... every. single. day.

7:30 am- (Reflecting on my family, missing friends and longing for consistency). When things get rough, focusing on what I have, instead of dwelling on what I don't, gives me hope and calms my worries. There are still days that I wish I could wave a magic wand above my head and make everything easy. I wish I could transport people that I love, and miss, to me. I wish I knew where we will settle down and when (or ever if we would). 

8:15 am- To grow where you're planted you have to allow yourself to water with tears, fertilize with new friendships and grow strong with opportunities that are available. I think I'm doing a pretty good job of that here.

8:23 am- I need to cook some breakfast.