Saturday, January 14, 2017

Friday 13

Today's gratitude:
My husband
Taking time to be together, we could have watched tv or I could have gone to a friend's (which would have been fun) but instead we talked. No electonics. Just talking. Dreaming and reflecting. This time is important.
A more organized garage and some space decluttered
A new day tomorrow
Henry's sweet laugh
Our crazy cat
My instapot
My car

Friday, January 13, 2017

It has been a very long time. Not since I've been grateful but since I've been here.
Many things brought me back but I don't need to discuss them now.

I just need to document my heart.

I've had some worrisome moments lately and some challenging times with life balance and trying to figure out what is best for my oldest child. But tonight I am shown that it will be fine... He will be fine. Because he is good. He is kind. Curious. Lovely. Helpful and has good intentions and a truly loving heart.
I practiced today being better for him. Lifting him and encouraging. Not once did I allow myself to shame and humiliate (which, after much reflection, I believe I have been doing). And tonight he complies to requests, played with his younger sister for 3 hours teaching her how to build Legos and pretend. Helped me with his baby brother (I asked for five minutes and he helped for 30), and now he and his sister are under his bed, and he is reading to her. He's been reading an hour. I think he's reading Harry Potter. I can hear his animated voices, dramatic pauses,  and varied tone. I'm so so grateful!! We are doing something right. We have to be...

Today's gratitude:
My oldest son and daughter.
Their relationship, creativity and support for each other.
 I'm also grateful it's Friday. (They can read all night if they wish. These memories will live on in them forever.)
Self reflection
New confidence
One-one moments with our daughter today.