Friday, February 27, 2015

Acts of Kindness with your Children

I just found a great list of acts of kindness to do with kids. Some are not ones you might do in March but they definitely get the ideas moving along.
  1. Leave bubbles on a family’s doorstep.
  2. Record a video love-note and text it to grandparents.
  3. Send dessert to another family at a restaurant.
  4. Pay for the drive-through order behind you. (Something about this makes kids giddy.)
  5. Leave a note and candy or microwave popcorn on a DVD rental machine.
  6. Help someone load their groceries into their car.
  7. Visit a cemetery and tidy up overgrown headstones.
  8. Go outside when the garbage truck comes and wave your little hearts out. (A toddler favorite!)
  9. Tape change to a parking meter, or run around looking for any that are about to expire and buy the driver more time! (Be warned: Once you do this, your kids will want to do it every time you’re near parking meters. Not a bad thing, though…)
  10. Dry the slides at the park after it rains.
  11. Take in a neighbor’s trashcans—or the whole street of them!
  12. When a sales rep knocks on your door, always give them something to leave with (even if it’s not the sale!). Think: bottles of water or Gatorade, a sleeve of cookies, a travel-size tube of sunscreen.
  13. Pick up trash in your neighborhood or at the local park.
  14. Take your child’s teacher a box of tissues or a bottle of hand sanitizers. (Teachers can never have enough of either!)
  15. Offer everyone in a line a stick of gum.
  16. Invite some children over for the evening so their parents can go on a date. (What child doesn’t love the excuse to hang out with friends in their jammies?)
  17. This holiday season, buy a living Christmas tree. After you enjoy it indoors for a few weeks, your family can plant it outside. One less tree chopped; one more tree providing you clean air. :)
  18. Bury treasure at the playground. A mason jar filled with small toys or goodies is sure to light up a child’s eyes sometime in the future.
  19. Offer to pick fruit from an elderly person’s trees. If you see a tree laden with fruit and know your neighbor can’t attend to it, offer to pick it for them. Bonus: fruit for them and fruit for you!
  20. Sponsor a child. Your monthly contribution covers medical and school fees, healthy food, and more. You can also send and receive letters from your child, which makes the experience much more real for children and adults alike. (We have made a commitment to sponsor two children and we would like to think that it is just as impacting to our children as it is to the two children we sponsor).
  21. Trade your close-up tickets at a sporting event with a family in the nosebleeds.
  22. Decorate the inside of your mailbox, so your mail carriers smile every time they open it. (We've left thank you notes for our mail service workers before.

I tell you this list is after my own heart.

You can find the more on the list and the original author here: 

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